Shillard's New Depths of Hyperlameness

Shillard just won't lay down and admit defeat. After having the lameness of his Amiga-lust exposed as unmanly and unworthy of a Baretta toting Mercedes driver he attempts to shame me with even sorrier supergeekdom and a pissy C64 notebook. I'll admit that the wood case gave me a certain degree of trouser wood but Apple were on top of this in 1976 by putting a computer in an old school desk (see pic). Naturally, it did nothing but that only puts it on the same page as Shillard's lame-arse C64 notebook, only 30 years earlier.
The '70's was the era of the true geek. Wosniak and Jobs were the real deal. Being identified as a geek/nerd could be life threatening with the very real threat of atomic wedgies and female ridicule. Nowadays, it's "cool" to make a geeky wooden shitbox C64. Geeks get their own "reality" show where they hook up with brainless bimbos for money and a root. Marrying a geek is a career path for some girls now and geeky girls have their own porn category. It all adds up to a very fucked up world. Modern geeks are the lamest sub-culture next to pseudo-gothchick-vampire wannabes and probably cross-pollenate with them.
True geeks must be unattractive and smelly with beards. They should be either fat from junk food or awkwardly skinny. In short, athletically compromised specimens. It is essential for them to maintain an air of superiority even when they are having the shit punched out of them. What they are NOT are high pay executives with lovely wives, Mercedes Benz cars and GUNS. I implore you Shillard, for the sake of the natural order of things, buy a MacIntosh and let's put this Amiga fixation behind us.
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